
So much happens at Foxhill, that it's hard to keep track sometimes. So we write these monthly newsletters, not just to inform about what is coming up, but also to showcase the amazing work done by our staff, pupils, and the wider Foxhill community. We hope that you enjoy them.

Es passiert so viel bei uns an der Foxhill Schule, dass man fast den Überblick verlieren kann. Deshalb geben wir einen monatlichen Newsletter heraus, nicht nur, um darüber zu informieren, was als nächstes bevorsteht, aber auch um die tolle Arbeit unseres Teams, unserer Schüler*innen, unserer Kinder der Kindergartengruppe und dem Rest der Foxhill Gemeinschaft zu präsentieren. Viel Spaß beim Stöbern! 

2024 - June

Foxhill Newsletter June 2024

Foxhill Summer Festival - We had the most exciting event of the year...

2024 - May

Foxhill Newsletter May 2024

"Pinkie" at Foxhill: In May Pinkie, a black female poodle, visited us at Foxhill...

2024 - April

Foxhill Newsletter April 2024

We celebrated Earth Day - We were able to enjoy the idea of taking care of our earth together...

2024 - March

Foxhill Newsletter March 2024

Swim week in March - Thanks to Aquasports for the great swim week...

2024 - February

Foxhill Newsletter February 2024

Carnival at Foxhill - This year, we created a magical Carnival festival...

2024 - January 

Ski week 2024 - a fantastic start! The Foxhill children are back on the slopes...

2023 - December

Christmas Time in pre-school - During the Advent season, there was a buzz of activity... 

2023 - November 

November Highlight: Bonfire Night and After-Halloween Party...

2023 - October 

Autumn Time in pre-school. In October, the kindergarten continued to explore the theme of autumn...

2023 - September

Welcome 2023/2024! Check out Fohill Secondary School! We have started a new era...

2023 - June

Outing to Calovini's. At the end of last month we had a perfect day at Calovini's Garden Nursery...

2023 - May

See how Pajama-Day was fun, have a look at our butterflies, our picasso wall, and much more... 

2023 - April


Read all about our spring projects, about our new Secondary School and more...

2023 - March

We are expanding! Coming soon: our all new Secondary School! 

Read about our Open House Day, Spring & Easter activities and swim week! 

2023 - February 

 Welcome Melina and Tatjana! Read all about our Ski-Week, Carnival / Pancake Day, cycling test and holiday week trips!

Herzlich willkommen Melina und Tatjana! Lest alles über unseren Skikurs, "Carnival / Pancake Day", die Radfahrprüfung und die Ferien Ausflüge!

2023 - January

 A Happy New Year, and new emblems as well! It's hard to believe that we've been back for a month already - so much has happened, as you'll see...

Ein Gutes Neues Jahr von Foxhill, es gibt neue Logo-Aufnäher! Kaum zu glauben, dass schon wieder ein ganzes Monat vergangen ist, es ist soviel wieder bei uns passiert - schaut es euch an...

2022 - December

 The end of 2022 at Foxhill was so much fun, with a Pre-school Brunch, a Primary Poetry Reading, and the sending of gifts to Nepal. See also details of our evening language courses for adults!

Das Jahresende 2022 an der Foxhill Schule hat so viel Spaß gemacht. Es gab einen Kindergarten Brunch, eine Gedichte-Vorlesung und das Versenden von Geschenken nach Nepal. Außerdem kann man sich über die Abendkurse für Erwachsene informieren!

2022 - November

A new name, but the same quality. This is the first in what we hope will be a long, happy history at Foxhill. Read about our annual Bonfire Night, a visit from the local firemen, and see what the Primary pupils have been up to!

Ein neuer Name, aber die selbe Qualität. Dies ist unser erster Überblick über unsere Aktivitäten. Wir hoffen, dass dies eine lange Erfolgsgeschichte der Foxhill Schule sein wird. Lest nach über unsere jährliche "Bonfire Night", einen Besuch der örtlichen Feuerwehr und schaut euch an, was unsere Kinder so gemacht haben!