Our teachers...


my name is Annica. I studied "Europalehramt" in Freiburg and worked in a bilingual school close to Lake Constance before moving to Innsbruck. Here at Foxhill I am mainly the German teacher. I love teaching your children in small groups and the most important thing for me is building up a close relationship to every single child. 

Yours, Annica


My name is Mary. I taught in an English primary school in South London for 19 years before coming to beautiful Innsbruck. I also have experience in teaching English as a foreign language from the years I lived in Germany and Turkey. I love teaching because of your children! Thank you for sending them to us!

Yours, Mary


Mein Name ist Michaela Mairhofer, ich bin seit 2002 mit Leib und Seele als Kindergartenpädagogin tätig und freue mich jeden Tag die Fortschritte und Entwicklungen der Kinder zu fördern und zu unterstützen. Ich habe selbst zwei Kinder und mir geht tagtäglich das Herz auf, den Foxhill-Kindergarten zu leiten.

Liebe Grüße, Michaela